Suitable for: P-3

In Latin American Countries, students and teachers enjoy an Easter or Holy Week recess after the first full moon after Spring Equinox, this time of rest is deeply related with the Catholic-Christian commemoration of the Resurrection of Christ, although it’s celebrated differently by every family according to their own beliefs.

For instance, secular countries like Uruguay have rebranded Holy Week as Week of Tourism. Uruguay has a full week of activities, including gastronomic and music festivals, art exhibitions, jineteadas (rodeos), and even a cycling competition! Similarly, Puerto Ricans visit the beach with family and friends. There’s a special event in Antigua, Guatemala that mixes Catholic, European and Indigenous traditions. This event, it’s the creation and exhibition of “Alfombras” or carpets made of flowers, coloured sawdust, fruits, vegetables and many other materials. These Alfombras are made in only 24hours and the event relies on the community to gather to be successful.

Activity 1
  1. Color and decorate the following countries on the Map (Annex 1) : Uruguay, Puerto Rico & Guatemala. Do students know any facts about this countries?
  2. It's time to know a bit of Guatemala, watch the video (with the class and allow some time for students to share:
    • Their favorite moment of the video
    • 1 thing that is similar between Guatemala and their country
    • 1 thing that is different between Guatemala and their country
  3. During Easter or Holy Week recess in Guatemala, people get together to create beautiful carpets made of coloured sand and sawdust using stencils. Show this video (0:38-1:33) and allow students to share their impressions on this tradition.
Make emphasis on the work of the community to finish these carpets in 24 hours and the meaning of gratitude they have.
Activity 2
  1. Show the students this video where people are making an Alfombra (play at 2x speed).
  2. Using Annex 2/3 , students can create their own Mini-Alfombra. Depending on the age of the students they can use it as a stencil to fill with different materials or if you prefer, just decorate the Mini-Alfombra using available materials.3. Allow the students to share the Mini-Alfombra in class or create a gallery in the classroom for all students to appreciate each other’s creations.
Extension Activity
In some countries, the Easter tradition is to decorate an egg. Try to decorate your own Easter egg using the design that you selected for your mini Alfombra, take a picture of your egg and your Mini-Alfombra and put them in Annex 4 to share with the rest of the class.
Developed by the team at Meg to be used for the Meg Language & Culture Program
Copyright 2021