The Impact of Teacher Feedback on Meg’s Language Program

A Cloverdale Elementary School Case Study

By Team Meg | 21 June 2024

Since 2019, Meg has partnered with Cloverdale Elementary School in the Moreno Valley School District, CA. The success of this partnership is due in large part to our collaboration with classroom teachers and administrators—and our ongoing feedback cycle.

The Feedback

The Meg team connects regularly with classroom teachers during weekly live lessons. But beyond the instructional time, we are also collaborating with classroom teachers through surveys and intentional feedback meetings throughout the school year. The suggestions provided by teachers during feedback sessions aren’t merely noted; they’re catalysts for change.

Cloverdale teacher Kristen Bates shared, “We provided some suggestions last year during one of our feedback sessions. Meg took every single suggestion we discussed and made the appropriate changes.”

The Solution

After receiving feedback, the program team worked with the curriculum and teaching teams to make suitable adjustments for each classroom. Each suggestion was considered and integrated into their weekly lessons.

“All of our weekly lessons provide an opportunity for students to stand up, move around, match the picture which causes them to be way more interested and engaged in the Mandarin lessons. Students are interested and like matching the moves (especially the flossing and dabbing.),” Kristen said.

Students are even more engaged! And as a result, they are learning and retaining the target language through interactive lessons.

The Outcome

And what about their teachers?

They feel heard.

We make it a point to work closely with the classroom teachers. Not only do they know their students best but they also experience the Meg language and culture program alongside them. We value their feedback as education professionals as well as model students for their learners.

For us, it’s more than a collaboration—it’s our commitment to the entire school community.

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